OURjury was born out of frustration with the pace and process of today’s legal system. We believe there is a better way for ordinary people to settle their differences amicably, without wasting time and taxpayer money, and without further burdening our overloaded legal system.
OURjury is dedicated to the application of technology to the ancient art of arbitration and to the lawyers and legal professionals in our lives that we love.
For this project we partnered with a former VP or Marketing and Promotions of Yahoo doing the dot-com boom who was a founding employee of one of the earliest Internet marketing companies, Yoyodyne, started by Seth Godin. As if that wasn’t exciting enough, getting the chance to work with David Simon on his own personal web-based start-up was even better!
From our initial lunch meeting to the launch of the site, this was a great partnership. With our web design and development user-experience approach combined with David’s impressive marketing and sales experience, this idea was destined to succeed. We handled everything for OURjury.com, including: